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Gealan - PVC-P - Gealan Fenster-Systeme GmbH

Material Data Center is a leading international information system for the plastics industry. Material Data Center offers a comprehensive plastics database, calculation tools, CAE interfaces, a literature database and an application database. For more information about Material Data Center visit

A search for "Gealan" in Material Data Center leads to the following information:

Tradename: Gealan
Family: PVC-P
Producer: Gealan Fenster-Systeme GmbH
2 hits in the literature database

Material Data Center offers information about the following products with the requested tradename. To view a datasheet, please click on the relevant product.

Kunststoffe international, 2012-04-20, Two Colors in One Die
... thus entails considerably higher investment costs than do the other coloring processes. Due to the enormous costs for different dies, this technology therefore demands a high level of processing reliability. More than thirty years have passed since Gealan Fenster-Systeme GmbH of Oberkotzau, Germany, developed the process for manufacturing coextruded PVC/PMMA window profiles. This coextrusion technology bears the certified trademark “acrylcolor” and represents a significant product that promises...

Kunststoffe international, 2015-05-21, Because Nitrogen Weighs (Almost) Nothing
The plastics processor Gealan Formteile GmbH manufactures lightweight parts for the automotive industry by thermoplastic foam injection molding. In the process engineering, as well as in the secondary finishing of the injection molded parts, the company is continually extending the limits of what is feasible. Also on the agenda is the welding of foamed parts and applications with visible parts. More lightweight, more environmentally friendly, more efficient. Many of the manufacturing trends that...

Additional information about this tradename, like producer contact address, etc. can be found at For access to this extra information a registration is requested. Free online registration is available.

Note: the information in Material Data Center was collected with maximum care, based on information from material producers. They are subject to short term changes at the market. There is no warranty for the correctness of this information. In no way this information can be seen as a legal advice, whether certain tradenames are protected or not.