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Aktisil - Fillers - Hoffmann Mineral GmbH

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A search for "Aktisil" in Material Data Center leads to the following information:

Tradename: Aktisil
Family: Fillers
Producer: Hoffmann Mineral GmbH
2 hits in the literature database

Material Data Center offers information about the following products with the requested tradename. To view a datasheet, please click on the relevant product.

Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Fillers: Improved Properties and Processing
Trade Fair Report Improved Properties and Processing Fillers. The trend that was obvious during the past decade continued at this year’s K-Show. The consequences of the increased price of energy, especially oil, together with developments regarding the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, have had a significant effect on all materials, but especially the filler industry because of the very high freight costs in relation to the value of the product. Increasing transportation costs, in particular, pr...

Kunststoffe international, 2005-11-21, Hoffmann Mineral 100 Years: Farsighted in Matters of Innovation Thus fast and problem-free rubber parts with highest surface quality can be manufactured. A further increase in the quality of the final products and expansion of the application type was obtained by development of surface-treated Aktisil fillers. Applications of the extensive filler pallet extend from the automobile industry, the building industry and mechanical engineering across pharmaceutical products to the cable and electro-technology range. The Future Assured Together with the daught...

Additional information about this tradename, like producer contact address, etc. can be found at For access to this extra information a registration is requested. Free online registration is available.

Note: the information in Material Data Center was collected with maximum care, based on information from material producers. They are subject to short term changes at the market. There is no warranty for the correctness of this information. In no way this information can be seen as a legal advice, whether certain tradenames are protected or not.